Sullivan County Commission to discuss proposal to build road to new school

The Sullivan County Commission is set to meet Monday to discuss and possibly vote on funding in relation to constructing a new road to the county’s new high school.
The resolution to hire an engineering firm to design the new road has twice been deferred from a full communion vote. An earlier version of the proposal sought $300,000 for the engineering firm’s work. Highway Commissioner Jim Belgeri has estimated $3 million cost of the actual road construction could come out of his department’s $5.6 million surplus.
Supporters of the proposal say people are wasting time not approving it; however, those against it are pointing blame at the school system and the architectural firm for not including plans for a better access road from the beginning of the new school’s construction.
The Sullivan County Commission is set to meet Monday at 9 a.m. on the second floor of the historic Sullivan County Courthouse. Public comment is allowed prior to start of the voting agenda.