CBD Oil distribution to help those in pain and economical growth in rural Virginia

The Commonwealth of Virginia has received 49 applications from medical cannabis companies and local entrepreneurs who hope to be one of the five licenses handed out this summer.
Under a new state law, the Virginia Board of Pharmacy is to issue one medical cannabis oil dispensary in each of the Commonwealth’s five health service areas.
We spoke with District 37 Senator David Marsden who wrote the bill creating the distribution method for CBD in Virginia. “It’s all about relieving people’s suffering, and the oils are non-psychoactive…people have been taking these for years and they seem to have no significant side affects compared to the FDA approved drugs. It’s an important step forward that we can now manufacture this organic medicine that can provide relief for people.”
A total of nine applications were filed in area 3, which includes Bristol and Roanoke. Dharma Pharmaceuticals wants to establish cannabis growing, processing and dispensing in a portion of the Bristol Mall. Senator Marsden thinks this is a great opportunity for economical growth in rural Virginia. ” And I hope it is going to create some business opportunities in rural Virginia because they can do the distribution. You know, I think firms will do best to find very inexpensive sites to operate from.”
Conditional approvals are expected by August 14, and the final decisions are expected to be released in September.