41st Annual Apple Festival in Erwin this Oct.5 and Oct. 6

The 41st annual Unicoi Apple Festival will be held this Friday and Saturday Oct. 5 and 6, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day in downtown Erwin, Tenesssee.
The festival draws more than 100,000 attendees and is consistently named of one the Southeast Tourism Society’s Top 20 events in the southeast. The two-day premier event offers a little something for everyone including handmade crafts, antiques, entertainment, a large children’s area, a Blue Ridge Pottery show and sale, contests and a smorgasbord of food!
350 vendors from around the country will line the downtown streets of Erwin showcasing their unique arts and crafts.
The festival spans a 5-block section of downtown Erwin and includes adjoining side streets. From Interstate 26, take Exit 37 into downtown Erwin. Several parking aras around that area have been secured for festival attendees.
For safety purposes, attendees are asked to not bring pets, bicycles or skateboards on festival grounds.
Come join in one of the iconic festival’s in our region this Friday and Saturday in Erwin, Tennessee! For more visit the website at www.unicoicounty.org