TN: Want to Vote Nov. 6? Registration Deadline is Oct. 9

Tennesseans who want to vote in the Nov. 6 general election must register to vote by Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018.
Registering to vote is easy in Tennessee. Tennessee citizens may register online from a computer, tablet or smartphone at Voters may also register in person or submit a voter registration form by mail, but forms must be postmarked by Tuesday.
“Over 170,000 voters have used our website to register or update their registration since we launched online voter registration last year. Tennesseans have more options than ever to register to vote, but the deadline is approaching quickly,” Secretary of State Tre Hargett said.
Early voting begins Wednesday, Oct. 17, and runs Mondays through Saturdays until Thursday, Nov. 1. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 6. Locations and hours are available through the GoVoteTN app available at or through the App Store and Google Play.
“Whether you vote early, by mail, or on Election Day, I encourage voters to cast a ballot and let your voices be heard this November,” Secretary Hargett said.
Voters can also participate in Tennessee’s Honor Vote program by dedicating their vote to someone who is currently serving, or has served, in the U.S. military. Enrolling allows voters to share their dedication online, across social media and by wearing a commemorative button on Election Day in honor of the veteran or service member they choose. To learn more, visit