Johnson City Police Department Arrest Man After Fleeing Traffic Stop; Crashing Vehicle

You can run but you can’t hide. That was the result of a Telford man who attempted to flee from police before crashing his vehicle, abandoning his car, and being arrested by officers.
According to the Johnson City Police Department, they received word that 29-year-old Evan Bales had warrants against him and would be in the area for an appointment.
Authorities located Bales in a red PT cruiser in a parking lot on North State of Franklin Road. When officers arrived, the man drove away from the traffic stop, but crashed his vehicle and took off on foot. Police found him in the surrounding area a short time later and placed him in custody.
Bales was charged with felony evading arrest, misdemeanor evading arrest, leaving the scene of an accident, and reckless endangerment.
He was taken to the Washington County Detention Center, and is held on a $10,000 bond. Arraignment is scheduled for today in Washington County Sessions Court.