Three People Including High Ranking Vice Lord Gang Member Arrested in Kingsport

A high ranking member of the Vice Lord’s gang out of Hawkins County is behind bars after police say he allegedly threatened to shoot officers.
The Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team along with the Kingsport Police Department SWAT team arrested Dustin Keith Overbay, 35, of Mount Carmel, at a home on Friday June 28th in Kingsport, after finding him in the living room with a .38 caliber pistol. Overbay had outstanding warrants out of Hawkins and Sullivan counties and was charged for his outstanding warrant in addition to possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Officers also arrested Matthew Carpenter, 36, the owner of the house that Overbay was staying at, as well as Brian Belcher, 34.
Carpenter was found in the downstairs area of the house and had a sawed off shotgun and a Walther semi-automatic pistol in his possession that was reportedly stolen out of Kingsport. Blecher had an active arrest warrant out of Scott County, Virginia and was found in the garage of the household. Police say around three grams of methamphetamine were found at the residence. Carpenter was charged with maintaining a dwelling where narcotics are sold, possession of methamphetamine, possession of a stolen firearm, possession of a prohibited weapon and possession of drug paraphernalia. Matthew Carpenter was additionally charged with introduction of contraband into a penal facility after he was found to be in possession of methamphetamine at the Sullivan County Jail.
Brian Belcher was charged with being a fugitive from justice from Scott County Va. for a violation of probation for possession of schedule one and schedule two narcotics and is awaiting extradition to Virginia.
The investigation continues with additional charges possible. All three remain in jail without bond.
Courtesy of Image: Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office
Dustin Keith Overbay
Matthew Joseph Carpenter
Brian McKinley Belcher