National Report: Tennessee and Virginia Receive “F” Grade on Lead in Water Study

A recent nationwide study for lead in water in schools graded Tennessee and Virginia at an F.
A report from the Environment America Research and Policy Center published earlier this year uses a 200 point grading scale to rate states on quality of action on the issue of lead in water in schools using five separate categories. Below is a breakdown of how Tennessee and Virginia tested in these measured categories.
Category 1 (Lead Standard in Water)
TN: Test Sample for Lead in Water using 15 parts per billion or 20 and above parts per billion.
VA: No set standard for testing lead in water.
Category 2 (Testing Protocols)
TN: Only prohibits protocols known to hide lead. Testing only occurs periodically.
VA: Tests all faucets including drinking and cooking faucets at every school. No set standard for yearly or periodic testing.
Category 3 (Steps on Getting the Lead Out)
TN: Requires immediate shut off of outlets that exceed state lead standards.
VA: No required action.
Category 4 (Public Disclosure)
TN: Must disclose all specific test results.
VA: Doesn’t require public disclosure.
Category 5 (Applicability)
TN: No law in place to cover all schools and child care centers.
VA: No law in place to cover all schools and child care centers.
To find the entire report, click here.
Courtesy of Image: Pixabay