Washington County Tennessee Budget Committee Approves Jonesborough Proposed School Plan

The Washington County Tennessee Budget Committee approved in concept, and pledged up to 250 thousand dollars to get the ball rolling on a new Jonesborough Elementary School. The proposed 32 million dollar plan would be funded without a tax increase from a previous capitol improvement plan by the town of Jonesborough. Joe Grandy is Washington County Tennessee Mayor.
(: )…It stretches the capitol projects plan as its currently funded just about to the max. so future projects will have to be considered on a separate basis.
Jonesborough Mayor Chuck Vest was in attendance and was obviously pleased by the budget committee’s actions and the projected approval of the full county commission.
(: )…One thing I’m happy about today is to continue to see this Washngton County Commission come together. I think what the people of Washington County should be happy with is we have a county commission group now that wants to get things done.
County Commissioners are expected take up the matter at their next full county commission meeting in October.