Washington County, VA BOS to Discuss Written Statement Distribution Methods Regarding Courthouse Move Tomorrow Night

With the November election drawing closer, talks of a potential courthouse move in Washington County, Virginia has become a primary focus of the 2019 ballot.
The Board of Supervisors have approved for a referendum vote in November that grants an option to move the courthouse to the former Kmart location in Town Centre. One item on the agenda for discussion at tomorrow night’s meeting is how the Board of Supervisors will distribute public written explanations regarding the proposed move. State law prohibits the Board from advocating for or against the move. Both statements under review detail observations as to how the Board came to the decision to approve a referendum, while also explaining what will happen regarding a majority yes or no vote.
The Board will decide which statement to use or if to use the statements at all at tomorrow’s meeting.
Link to agenda (Action item in question starts on Page 217-220)
Courtesy of Image: Washington County, VA Courthouse