Student Could Face Criminal Charges and Expulsion for Allegedly Making Hoax Threat towards Virginia High School

School officials in Bristol, Virginia are recommending prosecution and possibly expelling a student who they say made a fake threat against Virginia High School.
A facebook post from the school division says the note in question was a specific future threat towards Virginia High, but later determined it was a hoax. The individual in question was quickly identified, and officials report no students were in any danger. Officials say charges are pending and will recommend expulsion towards the student in question. This latest threat is one of several reported across local schools in the Tri-Cities this week, as well as the second alleged threat reported to Bristol, Virginia school officials in as many days.
Below is additional text from the post from Bristol, Virginia Public Schools:
“We understand the anxiety and fear that students, parents, and staff feel when threats of this kind are made. Unfortunately, when a school shooting happens in our country, it is often followed with threats, hoaxes, and lock downs in other areas. Along those lines, the Bristol Virginia School Board is putting the finishing touches on a website that explains the process of how we deal with threats at school and information about how parents can discuss this issue with their children. In the meantime, please know that we will take all threats seriously and I will continue to recommend that the consequences are as serious as the fear and anxiety that the threat instills.”