Washington-Lee Elementary Presented National Distinguished School Award

It’s a joyous occasion at Washington-Lee Elementary in Bristol, VA as the school has been named one of the top two Title One Schools in the state.
A celebration was held Friday afternoon as the school received a national distinguished award for academic achievements, propelling its self from performing in the bottom 10% of state schools just five years ago, to earning the title of one of the top 100 Title 1 Schools in the country. Washington Lee Elementary Principal Dr. Faith Mabe expressed appreciation for all involved, including appearances from state and local leaders for the award ceremony.
“I think the highlight of the day for me is my teachers work hard every single day. It is an amazing feeling for these important individuals (state and local leaders) to take the time to come and share with us in recognizing my teachers and students for their hardwork,” said Dr. Mabe.
U.S Congressman Morgan Griffith presented the award to Principal Mabe, and other leaders like Bristol, VA Vice Mayor Bill Hartley, Virginia Delegate Israel O’Quinn, school board members Tyrone Foster and Steve Fletcher, as well as Bristol, Virginia Schools Superintendent Dr. Keith Perrigan, and Bristol, Virginia Fire Chief Dr. James Armstrong were also present.
Courtesy of Image: T.Adams/Supertalk 92.9