NY Senator calling for action to be taken to address nationwide dam issues, including Falls Mills Dam in SWVA

A recent AP investigative report about certain dams nationwide in potentially high hazard conditions including one in Southwest Virginia has prompted a New York senator to take action.
Earlier this week, New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand called on Congress to begin addressing infrastructure issues at these reported high hazard sites, stating that dams that fail pose risk to human lives and significant loss of property. Among the actions Gillibrand wants Congress to take includes updating safety programs in the next Water Resources Development Act and increasing federal funding for dam rehabilitation programs.
During AP’s two year investigation, they found 1,688 dams to be in poor or unsatisfactory conditions, including Falls Mills Dam in Tazewell County, VA which was last inspected in November of 1991.
The full statement from Senator Gillibrand is available here.
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