‘Heartbeat bill’ revived by Lee for 2020 Tennessee General Assembly

Nine states achieved passage of a heartbeat anti-abortion bill in 2019. Tennessee is looking to join the list.
“This year I’m proposing comprehensive pro-life legislation that I believe will put Tennessee at the forefront of protecting life,” said Governor Bill Lee at a press conference Thursday in Nashville at the General Assembly.
Lee is reviving the bill with stipulations that include banning the procedure at the detection of a fetal heartbeat, requiring pregnant women considering the measure to have an ultrasound, and prohibits doctors from performing abortions if it is motivated by sex, race, or disability diagnosis of the child.
“There’s a legal strategy for those additional provisions beyond the heartbeat bill like the ultrasound component and the health diagnosis components and other components that make it different and that make it, actually, a stronger bill when it comes to the courts,” he said.
Lee said the bill is not complete but will be brought to the floor this session.