New COVID-19 fatalities reported in region

Two new deaths from the coronavirus were reported in the region on Saturday by state health officials.
Data from the Tennessee Department of Health indicated one death in Hawkins County, the locality’s second COVID-19 fatality. A total of four people from Northeast Tennessee have died during the pandemic.
Late Saturday, a report from the Lenowisco Health District said Wise County’s first COVID-19 related death had occurred.
“We regret to announce that we have experienced our first local COVID-19-related fatality in Wise County, VA. VDH extends its sincere condolences to this person’s family,” the report said.
“Those over 65 and those with underlying health conditions are at greater risk of serious complications from COVID-19. Everyone, especially at-risk individuals, are strongly advised to take steps to minimize contact with others who are ill, practice social distancing, and stay at home as much as possible.”
The death comes a day after a safety perimeter was established by local health and police officials at an apartment complex in Appalachia to keep residents quarantined.
Virginia Department of Health data showed three new cases in Lee County.
(PHOTO: Upsplash)