Three Ivy Hall Nursing Home employees in Elizabethton test positive for COVID-19

Officials with Ivy Hall Nursing Home in Elizabethton say three of their employees have tested positive for COVID-19.
According to a statement issued, Ivy Hall learned of the positive tests on Friday, and reports all three employees are currently not working and are at home in quarantine. Ivy Hall, along with Cornerstone Health Care Center in Johnson City, had previously chosen to conduct testing on all patients and staff regardless of symptoms as well as implement a periodic testing policy when they learned of the three positive cases.
There have been no positive cases of coronavirus reported in any of the Ivy Hall nursing home patients.
Below is a full statement from Ivy Hall:
“As you are likely aware from news reports, widespread testing of U.S. communities is revealing a much greater infection rate than was anticipated. Current understanding is that a very large number of those individuals actually infected are unaware of that infection as they do not have symptoms. These asymptomatic individuals, though feeling well, are potential carriers of the virus.
Testing of non-symptomatic individuals is not the norm. However, out of an abundance of caution, though not required to do so, under the direction of our Medical Director, Dr. Jonathon Bremer, our health care facility elected to test one hundred percent of the residents and staff. Further, we have implemented systematic periodic testing for all staff and residents as a precautionary measure in attempts to reveal as close as possible to real time, any asymptomatic individuals. To our knowledge, we are the only area healthcare facility having strategically chosen to implement initial and periodic routine testing of all staff and residents in a diligent search for infected, but non-symptomatic individuals, though we believe the process will come commonplace.
We have prayed that no asymptomatic individuals would materialize from our testing. However, we learned on April 24th that we had 3 employees test positive for COVID-19. The employees are currently not working and are at home in self-quarantine. We have had numerous negative tests results come back, and so far, we have had no positive test results for our patients. Ivy Hall Nursing Home is a CMS Five Star Rated, Joint Commission accredited facility, and is following CDC and CMS guidelines. Under the direction of our Medical Director, we will continue our diligent efforts working closely with the state department of health.
We covet your prayers, as we along with other providers across the nation contend with the Covid-19 virus.”
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