Town of Greeneville using three phase approach to reopen economy
The Town of Greeneville is using a three phase system as part of its plan to reopen its local economy.
Following orders given by Governor Bill Lee to take steps to get the Volunteer State economy going again including allowing restaurants and retail businesses to reopen at 50% capacity, town officials say they are in the beginning stages of phase 1, which started Monday. Greeneville says the COVID-19 community outlook meets the first phase criteria to reopen, which will also allow things like municipal parks to partially reopen.
We have full details available below:
A three-phase re-opening approach allows Town and other organizational functions to open back up, while monitoring virus mitigation within the community. As mitigation occurs, Greeneville can advance through the phases to eventually fully re-open. However, at any time during these phases, indicators may dictate a lengthening or even a regression to a previous stage to stop virus spread. Moving through the phases is dependent on three factors: COVID-19 bed capacity in the Ballad hospital system, percentage of active cases in Greene County, and consecutive days of zero new positive COVID-19 cases.
Bed capacity – The Ballad Regional Health system is the main caregiver for Greeneville citizens with the COVID-19 virus. Maintaining sufficient capacity to treat an outbreak of positive cases will be critical as Greeneville advances through the three-phase process. Prior to advancing to the next stage, Greeneville officials will contact Ballad leadership to determine the capacity to advance to the next stage of re-opening.
Percentage of active cases – The percentage of active cases is the total number of positive cases minus deaths and minus recovered cases. The active cases represent the citizens capable of spreading the virus. One word of caution; research is still uncertain as to the point a carrier is no longer contagious. The TN Department of Health uses 21 days from positive test as a recovered patient. Ideally, Greene County should have less than .01% of the population with active cases.
Consecutive days of zero new cases – The federal guidelines suggest 14 consecutive days of reduced positive cases. Greene County’s numbers are simply too small to correlate for 14 consecutive days. However, a benchmark showing success in reducing the infection rate is consecutive days with zero positive tests. Ideally, Greene County would go 7 or more days without a positive COVID-19 test.
Phase I. Measures have been taken to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases. The situation warrants easing of restrictions. In the current situation, Governor Lee noted May 1, 2020 as a date to re-open functions across Tennessee. Beginning April 27, the Town of Greeneville will enter phase I
Community-wide testing continues
Bed capacity – Ballad Health officials determine sufficient capacity for Phase I
Consecutive days of zero new cases – zero new cases for three consecutive days
The number of active COVID-19 cases in Greene County is below .025%
Phase I Town Actions to include following all State recommendations
Town buildings remain locked but providing services, and available for planned in-person meetings
PPE and other equipment worn by employees for up-close interactions with the general public
Town staff will continue positional rotations, employees will continue to work from home as able
Meetings can happen in person attendees will maintain social distancing of at least 6 ft
Travel restrictions removed, but employees must still notify supervisor if traveling outside of the 1st Congressional district
Municipal parks open with the exception of playgrounds, basketball courts and swimming facilities
Roby Center closed but still serving meals
Phase I Recommended Business Actions to include following all State recommendations
Restaurants (if allowed by executive order) open with social distancing allowing only 50% of dining capacity at one time
Restricted businesses (if allowed by executive order) open under strict social distancing requirements (ie use of gloves, face masks, sanitation stations, appointment only, etc)
Nail salons, beauty parlors, barbershops, tattoo parlors, massage businesses, etc (if allowed by executive order) open to appointment customers only, and only with protective equipment
Fitness facilities (if allowed by executive order) open with enforced social distance requirements and sanitizing of equipment every two hours
Retail stores (if allowed by executive order) open with limited customer access – 5 customers per 1,000 square foot
Banks lobbies (if allowed by executive order) open to 5 people at a time; keeping social distancing requirements
Sanitization stations for all grocery carts
Religious services (if allowed by executive order) and events with large crowds should not occur
Phase II. Continued reduction of COVID-19 cases and the hospital system has a good capacity to treat new cases. Conditions to move to Phase II include:
Community wide testing continues
Bed capacity – Ballad Health officials recommend sufficient capacity for Phase II
Percentage of active cases – active cases in Greene County are between .02% – .01% of Greene County residents
Consecutive days of zero new cases – five consecutive days of zero new cases
Phase II Town Actions to include following all State recommendations
Town buildings open with social distance practices in place
Full staffing of Town departments; ceasing work at home for employees
PPE and other equipment worn by employees for up-close interactions with the general public
Meetings can happen in person and attendees will maintain social distancing of at least 6 ft
Travel restrictions removed
Municipal parks open; public events and recreational activities limited to only those that can happen under social distancing guidelines
Roby Center open with social distancing requirements in place
Phase II Recommended Business Actions to include following all State recommendations
Restaurants open (if allowed by executive order) with social distancing in place
Restricted businesses (if allowed by executive order) open under strict social distancing requirements (ie use of gloves, face masks, sanitation stations, etc)
Nail salons, beauty parlors, barbershops, tattoo parlors, massage businesses, etc (if allowed by executive order) open with protective equipment
Fitness facilities (if allowed by executive order) open with enforced social distance requirements and sanitizing of equipment every two hours
Banks lobbies (if allowed by executive order) open for up to 10 customers: keeping social distancing requirements
Retail stores (if allowed by executive order) open with up to 10 customers per 1,000 square foot
Sanitization stations for grocery carts
Religious services (if allowed by executive order) under 100 people with social distancing can occur
Allow gatherings of up to 100 people; practicing social distancing
Conditions requiring move back to Phase I
Bed capacity – Ballad Health determines officials insufficient bed capacity
Percentage of active cases – active cases in Greene County increases to above .02% of Greene County residents
Consecutive days of zero new cases – three consecutive days of new cases
Phase III. Reduced cases of COVID-19 cases and the hospital system has a large capacity to treat new cases. Conditions to move to Phase II include:
Community wide testing continues
Bed capacity – Ballad Health officials recommend sufficient capacity for Phase III
Percentage of active cases – active cases in Greene County less than .01% of Greene County residents
Consecutive days of zero new cases – seven consecutive days of zero new cases
Phase III Town Actions to include following all State recommendations
Town buildings open with social distance practices in place
Full staffing of Town departments; ceasing work at home for employees
Meetings can happen in person and attendees will maintain social distancing of at least 6 ft
Travel restrictions removed
Municipal parks open
Park and Rec programming, special events can take place; enforcing social distancing requirements as necessary
Roby Center open with social distancing requirement in place
Track PPE levels for first responder to ensure supplies available for moving back to a previous phase
Phase III Recommended Business Actions to include following all State recommendations
Restaurants (if allowed by executive order) open with social distancing in place
Restricted businesses (if allowed by executive order) open under social distancing requirements
Nail salons, beauty parlors, barbershops, tattoo parlors, massage businesses, etc (if allowed by executive order) open with protective equipment
Fitness facilities (if allowed by executive order) open with enforced social distance requirements and routine sanitizing of equipment
Banks (if allowed by executive order) fully open; practicing social distancing requirements
Retail stores (if allowed by executive order) open with up to 20 customers per 1,000 square foot
Religious services (if allowed by executive order) can occur
Allow gatherings of up to 500 people
Conditions requiring move back to Phase II
Bed capacity – Ballad Health officials determines insufficient bed capacity
Percentage of active cases – active cases in Greene County increases to above .01% of Greene County residents
Consecutive days of zero new cases – five consecutive days of new cases