Finalized graduations plans in place for Friday’s ceremony at BMS for Virginia High School students

Finalized graduation ceremony plans have been announced for Virginia High School seniors.
The school’s commencement ceremony takes place at 5:00 p.m this Friday at Bristol Motor Speedway, and information sent by Superintendent Dr. Keith Perrigan includes detailed information related to what time and where students and guests should arrive at the track, how students will receive their diplomas, and activities planned after exiting the race track.
We have the full list of information available below:
5 things to remember according to Dr. Perrigan
1. Have a full tank of gas in your vehicle
2. Use the restroom before you arrive as only a limited number of Port-a-Johns will be available and will require you to walk a significant distance
3. Otherwise, only Seniors may exit their vehicle and only at the assigned times
4. Read the list of attached rules
5. Never exceed 5 mph while in the Speedway
Commencement Exercises will be held at Bristol Motor Speedway at 5:00 p.m on Friday May 22, 2020. As soon as you arrive in the parking lot a VHS staff member will check you in and you will immediately enter the Speedway. Students who graduated in the Top 10 of their Class will need to arrive at the South Parking Lot (map attached) at 3:45 with the family members that will be riding in the vehicle with them. The Top 10 will line up to graduate first. Beginning at 4:00 all other Seniors may begin arriving, with the family members that will be riding in their vehicle with them, in the South Parking Lot (map attached). We will not be lining up in alphabetical order due to logistics, so we will line you up in the order you arrive. We will have everyone lined up by 4:45 and ready to begin playing Pomp and Circumstance by 4:55. Don’t wait until 4:45 to arrive as a log jam will be created. No vehicle should exceed 5 mph while in the Speedway. Complete list of rules attached.
Bonus Vehicles
Guests who will be in the Bonus Vehicles can begin arriving in the North Parking Lot at 3:30 and should arrive no later than 4:30. Bonus Vehicles will enter the Speedway after all Seniors have arrived and will park behind the Class of 2020 in the infield but will not drive around the track with Seniors to receive their diploma. No vehicle should exceed 5 mph while in the Speedway. Complete list of rules attached.
Vehicle Decorations
Seniors and Bonus Drivers are encouraged to decorate their vehicles. Items that drag on the ground or could block the view of others are not allowed. Inappropriate language or messages are also not allowed. Mr. Collins may send more information to you about this topic. Complete list of rules attached.
After speeches are made, one row of vehicles will be released to drive slowly around the track to line up to receive your diploma. Staff members will be stationed to direct you. After you receive your diploma, you will drive slowly back to your original space. Keep your ears open during the ceremony for some special messages. No vehicle should exceed 5 mph while in the Speedway. Complete list of rules attached.
Ways to View and/or Listen
Tune to 100.9 inside the Speedway
Watch the Live Stream anywhere in the world by going to (available for download after Graduation)
Listen to Graduation “Play by Play” on Bearcat Radio anywhere in the world, by going to
Cap Throw
After all Seniors have walked across the stage, Dr. Perrigan will ask Seniors only to step out of their vehicle and will officially pronounce you as 2020 VHS Graduates. At that time you may throw your cap. We ask that you quickly find your cap and return to your vehicle without coming in contact with other Seniors. Complete list of rules attached.
Exiting Bristol Motor Speedway
After every Senior has returned to your car, staff will direct one row at a time to exit the infield and to make one final lap around the track, TOGETHER, before you exit the Speedway. No vehicle should exceed 5 mph while in the Speedway. Complete list of rules attached.
We will have two professional photographers on site. One photographer will be dedicated to getting a photo of each Senior receiving their diploma. BVPS will provide one 5×7 to each Senior, free of charge. The other will be “capturing the moment”. Additional photos and candid shots may be purchased at the following website:
Be the Light
Following Graduation at 8:20pm Virginia High School will light up the Bearcat Athletic Facilities for 20 minutes in honor of the following groups:
Bearcat 2020 Graduates
All First Responders and Medical Personnel that continue to battle the COVID 19 virus
All BVPS Staff Members and Retirees
The facilities involved include:
Gene Malcolm Stadium
Boyce Cox Field
Bristol Little League Softball Field
Sugar Hollow Park
Bearcat Gymnasium-no public access
VHS Track
VHS Tennis Courts
Please feel free to drive by any of the outdoor facilities in honor of those people listed above. Please note that the Bearcat gymnasium will not be accessible, but you should see that it is lit up from Long Crescent Drive and VHS Parking Lot. Should you visit any of these other facilities please follow all CDC recommendations and maintain appropriate social distancing guidelines. To the Bearcat graduates of 2020, go out into this world and be the light. Work and strive to do those little things that make this world a better place. Be that beacon of light that someone needs when things seem to be the darkest. As a strong Bearcat Nation we will persevere and get through this together. Congratulations on becoming a graduate of Virginia HS!! To all first responders and medical personnel- THANK YOU today and always for your hard work, professionalism, and dedication to the cause. You put it on the line every time you answer the call and again Bearcat Nation says thank you!
This ceremony is also another way to give another Bearcat thank you to all BVPS staff members that have rallied together during this pandemic to continue to put the children and families of Bristol, Virginia, first. Finally to all our BVPS retirees: Carol Propst, Raejean Harman, Ben Talley, Janet Black, and Jewell Cardwell- we take this opportunity to say thank you for the amazing impact that you have had on children and families of BVPS during your many years of service and wish you all he best of luck in all of your future endeavors!
From Mr. Harper
Beginning at 9:00, we will have a brief fireworks display to send our Seniors out into the world with a bang! The fireworks, sponsored by the Bristol Virginia Public Schools Education Foundation and others (TBA), will be deployed from the parking lot at Sugar Hollow Park. Target has agreed to allow our Seniors and their families to view the fireworks display from their parking lot. In case the parking lot at Target fills up, Home Depot has also agreed to allow viewing of the fireworks display from their parking lot. Please stay inside your vehicle to ensure we are following health and safety protocols.
Photo Courtesy: Virginia High School graduation traffic directions