VHSL working on plans for a return to sports this fall

The Virginia High School League is working on plans for a hopeful return to athletics in the fall.
State athletic governing body officials say they are continuing to meet with region superintendents, principals, athletic directors, and the league’s sports medicine advisory committee to receive proper input on how and when to return to competition. They hope to develop plans for multiple scenarios including information on start dates, safety measures related to practice, and regular season schedules.
“What we have been doing and will continue to do, is to strongly advocate for our student-athletes for a reopening of fall sports and activities. We know much has been taken away from our students by the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to advocate for them and the return of high school athletics and activities,” said VHSL Executive Director Dr. John W. “Billy” Haun. “It is important to say, and many already have, as we develop plans there are more questions than answers. Because of that, we cannot put a timeline on when decisions will be completed and announced to the public until many of those questions become answerable.”
All reopening plans will coincide with the Governor’s order on when schools can return to in-person instruction.
Photo Courtesy: VHSL Logo