Two week comparison of COVID-19 numbers shows slight increase in Northeast TN and decrease in Southwest VA
A two week COVID-19 comparison shows a slight uptick in new case reports in Northeast TN, while Southwest VA sees a decrease.
When comparing totals from June 15th to June 22nd, Northeast TN gained 36 new virus cases, increased its active case total from 23 to 39, and saw 19 virus patient recoveries. Comparing numbers from June 8th to June 15th shows the region gained just 18 new cases while the active case count dropped from 70 to 23 and saw 65 virus patient recoveries.
In Southwest VA, totals from June 15th to June 22nd saw the region gain 72 new virus cases, while from June 8th to June 15th, Southwest VA saw a 110 case increase.
Week of 6/15-6/22
Northeast Tennessee: (June 22nd- 381 total cases, 39 active cases, and 334 recoveries) (June 15th- 345 total cases, 70 active cases, and 315 recoveries)
Southwest Virginia: (June 22nd- 718 total cases) (June 15th- 646 total cases)
Week of 6/8-6/15
Northeast Tennessee: (June 15th- 345 total cases, 70 active cases, and 315 recoveries) (June 8th- 327 total cases, 23 active cases, and 250 recoveries)
Southwest Virginia: (June 15th- 646 total cases) (June 8th- 536 total cases)
**Note: The Virginia Department of Health, nor any of the three local health districts in Southwest Virginia offer active case, or recovery totals. Our Southwest Virginia COVID-19 numbers also reflect all counties across the Mount Rogers, Lenowisco, and Cumberland Plateau Health Districts.