Elizabethton City Schools to implement hybrid plan beginning Aug. 17, masks required for staff and students

Elizabethton City Schools have announced updates regarding its reopening plan.
Officials say beginning Monday, August 17th, the system will implement a hybrid plan for K-12 students, which includes students with a last name starting with A-L attending on Mondays and Tuesdays in person, with remote learning the rest of the week.
Students with a last name starting with M-Z will attend in-person Thursday and Friday, with remote learning Monday-Wednesday. This schedule will be in effect through August 28th, and according to a press release, the school system will closely monitor this and adjust the schedule as needed.
Face coverings will be required for staff and students unless medically exempt.
Director of Schools Richard VanHuss says this plan allows the system to do the following:
• Keep class sizes low, which will allow for proper social distancing
• Minimize the number of students in common areas (i.e. lunchroom, hallways, etc.)
• Implement social distancing on school buses
• Deep clean all schools on Wednesdays 2
The full news release can be located here.
Photo Courtesy: Elizabethton City Schools