City of Kingsport requesting public input on proposed Brickyard Bridge project

The City of Kingsport is seeking public input on a proposed project involving the Brickyard Bridge.
This project would see construction of an ADA-compliance bicycle and pedestrian bridge over railroad tracks, which would help to connect the Brickyard Park development and Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. with Downtown Kingsport at Centennial Park.
The city plans to apply for a Transportation Alternatives Program grant through the Tennessee Department of Transportation to assist in construction of the bridge. Individuals can provide input during an in-person meeting that will be held Thursday from 4-6 p.m at the Kingsport Improvement building, located at 201 W. Market St in the Bob Clear Conference Room. Individuals are asked to wear masks and social distancing protocol will be followed.
Those wishing to give input remotely can do so Friday morning at 10 a.m in a Zoom meeting. A link to that meeting is available here-
Photo Courtesy: City of Kingsport