Director of Schools: Hawkins County to allow some students to return to in-person learning in hybrid approach starting Monday

Students in Hawkins County, TN are set to return to in-person learning using a phased hybrid approach.
The school district’s board approved a plan Thursday night to allow Hawkins County Schools to operate in its yellow phase, which will start Sept. 8 with K-8 students attending half-days Monday-Thursday on a split schedule, with some attending in the morning from 8 a.m-11 a.m, and some attending in the afternoon from 12 p.m-3 p.m.
9-12 grade students will remain learning remote the week of Sept. 8, but will then go back to class in-person beginning Sept. 14 by going in-person Monday-Thursday for the full day, while K-8 remains on a split schedule.
Director of Schools Matt Hixson tells Supertalk that if COVID-19 data continues to trend down, for the week of Sept. 21 through Sept. 9 and Fall Break (Oct. 12-16), they will allow all students to come back on a full four day schedule.
The board will then review data again and examine a plan to possibly return to a five day schedule after Fall Break.
Photo Courtesy: Hawkins County Schools