Driver Runs Red Light, Seriously Injures One On Highway 11E In Greeneville

A driver in Greeneville, who ran a red light on Highway 11-E on Wednesday causes a two vehicle crash that seriously injures one. Feliciano Sarate, no age given, was traveling in a 2009 Silver Saturn when he failed to stop for a red light as he traveled east on 11-E. The Silver Saturn, driven by Sarate T-boned a 2009, Brown, Nissan SL2 driven by Sierra Sims. Sims, no age or address provided had to be extricated from the vehicle and was flown by EMS AirWings to Johnson City Medical Center for treatment for suspected major injuries. Sarate, was charged with running a red, Expired Drivers License, and no proof of insurance. The condition of Sims is not known at this time.