Bristol, VA School Board votes in favor of continuing in-person learning

Students in Bristol, VA will continue learning with an in-person learning option for the remaining days of the fall semester.
The district’s school board voted in favor of keeping the in-person learning option during a meeting last night despite a surge of COVID-19 all across the region that has prompted many schools to shift learning to remote status.
Superintendent Dr. Keith Perrigan said increased mitigation strategies will be implemented as students return to the classroom, which can be found below:
1. Students will not have high-touch related service sessions for Occupational and Physical therapies. All therapists will wear full PPE.
2. The district will explore ways to maximize, potentially doubling, testing capabilities through SWVHC.
3. Review and revise staff and student screening questioning procedures.
4. Utilize the week after Christmas break as a virtual instruction week (same as week after Thanksgiving break).
5. Group mask breaks will be discontinued.
6. Students/staff utilizing face shields and not wearing masks will be required to wear masks or participate remotely for learning/working.
7. In addition, masks will be worn properly at all times (no partial facial coverings allowed).
8. Creative solutions will be provided to any staff or student who have medical documentation to not wear a mask.
9. Masks will be worn on the bus for the entire bus ride.
10. BVPS will re-emphasize to parents that students may go to remote instruction during the days prior to holiday break and will streamline the process.
11. VHS and VMS will be dismissed at 12:45 on December 14, 15, and 16. VHS students will only need to attend on those days if they have exams. December 17 and 18 will be fully virtual for VMS and VHS.
12. All classrooms not currently meeting 6 feet of social distancing will make modifications to ensure the distance is maintained at all times.
13. Individual schools will revisit and make modifications to group activities such as recess/gym.
14. All division facility breakrooms and other congregating areas will be closed.
15. No end of semester parties or meals will be allowed.
16. BVPS will discourage staff and students from participating in any end of year celebrations outside of school.
17. BVPS will encourage all car riders to wear masks during transport to and from school with multiple riders unless only those transported are in immediate family.
18. Previously approved remote teachers located at Central Office will work remotely from home during days prior to holiday break.
19. Some additional flexibility, on a case by case basis, may be given for those who need to work remotely in relation to medical concerns.
20. BVPS will continue to conduct its own contact tracing.
21. BVPS will continue to communicate with the Mount Rogers Health District about positive cases impacting our students and staff.
22. BVPS will add some quarantine follow up to our current responsibilities.
23. Middle School athletics will be suspended until further notice. High School athletics will be discussed on Monday night.
Photo Courtesy: Bristol, Va Public Schools Logo