TEA President: Gov. Lee educator funding proposal not enough, recommends state appropriate $200 million for teachers and staff

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s proposal to add funding for teacher salaries during the state’s upcoming special session to address education is being met with some criticism from the state’s education association.
Beth Brown, Tennessee Education Association President, released a statement saying in part that Lee’s $43 million proposition for one-time teacher salary funds to be added to the state budget is, “far lower than what the state can afford, and far less than what educators have earned and deserve.”
TEA says they estimate educators worked an additional 13 hours per week to maintain instruction while school systems juggled different instructional deliveries brought on by the pandemic.
Brown recommends appropriating $200 million for educator raises. State lawmakers will address the pandemic’s effect on students and consider proposals from Lee to curb potential learning losses during the special session set for Tuesday.