One of three bills proposed by TN Gov. Lee addressing education losses and the pandemic receives approval from House, Senate

Tennessee’s “Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act” bill proposed in the state’s special session to address potential education losses from the pandemic has passed both legislative chambers.
Lawmakers approved the proposal Thursday, and among measures that are slated to take effect include establishing after-school learning mini-camps and a summer learning camps that would start this summer for struggling students. The bill also prioritizes students that score below proficient in reading and math subjects.
The measure also creates tutoring corps to help with year around tutoring and strengthens laws that hold students back that have not yet reached a third grade reading level.
The summary of the bill can be found below:
Intervening to Stop Learning Loss – SB 7002
*Requires interventions for struggling students including after-school learning mini-camps, learning loss bridge camps and summer learning camps, beginning summer 2021.
*Program prioritizes students who score below proficient in both reading (ELA) and math subjects.
*Creates the Tennessee Accelerated Literacy and Learning Corps to provide ongoing tutoring for students throughout the entire school year.
*Strengthens laws around a third grade reading gate so we no longer advance students who are not prepared.