Ballad Health repurposing Takoma Hospital in Greeneville for new treatment and services facility for women and children

Ballad Health is re-purposing a former hospital in Greeneville as a treatment facility for pregnant women and mothers suffering from addiction.
Officials unveiled the Ballad Health Strong Futures program on Thursday, which will serve to provide behavioral health services, including addiction treatment, as a way to help women and children that need medical assistance. Several local lawmakers, regional leaders, and the Governor of TN expressed wide ranging support, and even garnished a two year, seven million dollar grant for the program from the state.
Ballad consolidated acute care services at the Takoma Regional Hospital last year to set forth this repurposing initiative. Below is the complete list of behavioral health services that will be offered through the Ballad Health Strong Futures program:
*Child counseling
*Collaborative provider partnerships
*Community engagement and enrichment activities
*Daycare services
*Educational opportunities
*Financial stability counseling
*Health and well-being counseling
*Individual, group and marriage counseling
*Intensive case management
*Literacy improvement
*Parenting skill education
*Referral services
*Relapse prevention services two-generational, family-centered treatment
*Resiliency-building exercises and education
*Trauma-informed care education
*Workforce development services
Photo Courtesy: Ballad Health