COVID compensation payments for unemployed in Tennessee end Saturday

The extra federal unemployment aid offered amid the COVID-19 pandemic will end in Tennessee on Saturday, including the end of $300 weekly additional payments.
Tennessee is among dozens of states that have stopped accepting the $300 benefit. Republican leaders say it’s necessary because job openings are going unfilled, and are pointing people to job-finding resources offered throughout the state.
Democrats have chided the move and warn it’ll slow down the state’s economic recovery that was caused by the virus outbreak.
Several other federal pandemic-times offerings will end in Tennessee as well, including eligibility for the self-employed, gig workers and part-time workers; an extension of benefits once regular benefits have been exhausted; and an additional $100 for certain people with mixed earnings.
Tennessee reinstated job search requirements for unemployment in October, mandating three weekly job searches to stay eligible.
Meanwhile, the state has continued to accept billions of dollars in other federal assistance through COVID-19 relief packages approved in Washington.
(IMAGE: E. Amendola / Associated Press)