Interim police chief for Pound, Virginia says prior officers left department, evidence in disarray

According to hired help for law enforcement in the town of Pound, the now-dissolved police department left behind unpaid bills, disorganized reports, and unsecured criminal evidence including a high-powered machine gun tucked away in a supply cabinet.
Interim police chief Chris Wilcox gave a rundown of recent inventory checks of the department conducted by a specialist from Fairfax County. His report said former Chief Tony Baker had left town-issued weapons on the floor while more guns were found in the trunk of an old police car parked behind town hall.
The inspection also recovered an AK-47 rifle seized by officers back in 2015 stuffed behind radio equipment. The office check did not include hundreds of files on police computers needed for investigations by county law enforcement. Efforts to obtain the passwords for those devices from Baker have been unsuccessful, according to the official.
(IMAGE: Google Maps)