City of Kingsport hosts 4th Annual storm drain art contest

The City of Kingsport is calling on local artists to compete in the 4th annual storm drain art contest. This contest seeks to raise awareness about the importance of protecting local rivers and wildlife from storm water. Rain water is unable to naturally filter into the ground due to paved roads, concrete, and buildings. This causes the water to flood over roofs and streets as storm water. Storm water picks up various pollutants along the way such as car oil, pesticides, and even soap. It then goes into the city’s storm drains and out into natural bodies of water. These pollutants can harm aquatic wildlife and the health of our rivers.
This contest seeks artistic minds who can create sketches and paint local storm drains. Illustrations should promote keeping pollutants out of areas storm water can pick it up. The five winning artists will receive one hundred dollars and the chance to feature their artwork on a local storm drain. Participants are asked to submit color sketches of proposed artwork via mail or email. The deadline to submit entries is August 20th. For more information on guidelines and where to submit work, call 423-229-9325 or click here