Lundberg among 16 GOP Senate Caucus members to sign open letter calling for COVID vaccinations

Days after canning the state’s vaccine commissioner, members of the Tennessee General Assembly are now pushing a pro-COVID shot agenda in the midst of the number of growing delta variant patients which is now more than 500.
Sixteen of the 27 members of the Republican Senate Caucus signed an open letter to residents asking them to get vaccinated against the virus. The state currently has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the US and the Southeast.
Bristol Senator Jon Lundberg lent his signature to the letter but fellow member Johnson City’s Rusty Crowe did not.
Vaccine guru Dr. Michelle Fiscus was dismissed from her post after several GOP members accused her of marketing the serum to children on social media.
This is the open letter that 16 of the 27 of the Senate Republicans signed encouraging vaccines. There have been some technical issues with embedding it, but here you go —
— Natalie Allison (@natalie_allison) July 27, 2021
(IMAGE: Associated Press)