Town of Abingdon hires consultant to develop strategic five-year plan to increase tourism
The Town of Abingdon says it hired Dr. Vince Magnini from the Institute for Service Research to assist with the development of a five-year strategic plan to increase tourism. Town officials say Dr. Magnini will host three public informational sessions to develop new strategies to attract visitors and increase tourism opportunities in Abingdon.
The town says those interested in helping influence the direction of Abingdon’s tourism program are invited to these sessions, which happen on January 21st and 24th at the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center.
Specific dates & times are as follows:
Jan. 21: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM, 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Jan. 24: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
(Image: Town of Abingdon, VA)