Kingsport man pleads guilty to charges of assaulting officer during Jan. 6th Capitol Hill riot
A Kingsport, Tennessee man pleaded guilty in federal court to assaulting a DC policeman and others during the Jan. 6th insurgent riot on Capitol Hill.
Albuquerque Cosper Head, 42, admitted to baiting Officer Michael Fanone by first helping him and then pulling him into the mob resulting in Fanone suffering a heart attack and severe concussion while being tased several times.
In a statement to the Reuters news agency, Fanone described Head with an expletive and promised to be in the courtroom when Head is sentenced in September.
“I look forward to looking each of these fu***** in the eye in court when they are sentenced,” Fanone said in a prepared statement to Reuters on Friday.
(IMAGE: FBI / Bristol Broadcasting Co News Archive)