Hawkins County Man Arrested on Accusations He Held Wife at Gun Point according to picture received by Son

A Hawkins County man is in jail after police say they found a picture of him holding a gun to his wife’s head.
James Greene is facing charges of aggravated assault. A report from the Hawkins County Sheriff’s Office says Joshua Greene called authorities telling them he received a text from his father James containing a picture of James holding a gun to his mother’s head without context.
Joshua told officers he made numerous attempts without success to reach either of them. Deputies them attempted to reach both of them at their home without success. Their cell phones were then pinged and police were able to reach James.
While investigators were talking to him, James admitted to them to taking the picture, but says he did not send it to anyone. The man alleged that he and his wife, were having martial issues and he suspected she was having an affair. Authorities spoke with the mother, and found that she had sent the picture to Joshua. She also said she feared for her life.
James was arrested and taken to the Hawkins County jail.
Courtesy of Image: Hawkins County Jail