Kingsport Schools Using Ongoing As Well As New Mental Health Services For Students In Need.

Students in Kingsport schools in need of mental health services often times are forced to leave school to make appointments. But now, thanks to a new program, instead of students being forced to leave school to make mental health appointments, those services are now being offered by Camelot of Northeast Tennessee at each elementary school. Jim Nash is with Kingsport City Schools.
(:15)…Allow some lead time to pick them up and take them to appointments being them back, if they had some type of issue like transportation issue or something else related they possibly could miss appointments. With is being in house at the schools they’re able to go to all their scheduled appointments.
Kingsport city schools has been in an ongoing contract with Frontier health to assist the school guidance counselors since the 1990’s. The board of mayor and alderman recently approved 120 thousand dollars to reinburse Frontier health for their services.