TDOT Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Adopt a Highway Program

A Tennessee Department of Transportation program is celebrating 30 years with a week long celebration all through this week.
TDOT’s Adopt a Highway campaign started in 1989 for individuals, groups, and organizations for cleaning of communities and to receive recognition. As of 2019, the campaign has helped to remove 12 million pounds of litter and over 550 miles of roadway have been adopted.
“Adopt-A-Highway is a win for everyone involved,” explained Commissioner Clay Bright. “This program allows for our department to directly connect to those who care about their community’s appearance. Volunteers receive recognition and TDOT saves money on picking up litter.”
By order of Governor Lee, October 6 – 12, 2019 is proclaimed as “Adopt-A-Highway 30th Anniversary Week” in Tennessee. As part of the 30th anniversary celebration, statewide cleanup events are scheduled all this week. Included below are local clean up events and their locations:
Friday October 11th
Statem Gap Baptist Church-Youth Group/SR-474 (Hamblen County)
Chuckey-Doak FFA/SR-34 (Greene County)
Morristown- Hamblen East High Student Council/SR-34 (Hamblen County)
Northeast State Criminal Justice Society/SR-75 (Sullivan County)
Keep Carter County Beautiful/SR-359 (Carter County)
Saturday October 12th
Carter County Democratic Women’s Club/SR-400 (Carter County)
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