Jonesborough Mayor & Washington County, TN Mayor Signs Agreement for Jonesborough School Project

Final papers have been signed regarding an agreement between the Town of Jonesborough and Washington County, TN for the Jonesborough School Project.
Jonesborough Mayor Chuck Vest confirmed to Supertalk Thursday that he, along with Washington County, TN Mayor Joe Grandy, signed the agreement on Wednesday to get started on the $32.75 million school project. Along with that agreement, a facilities agreement was also signed which as it stands now, the Town of Jonesborough would be responsible for the maintenance and care of the proposed athletic facilities, in addition to taking care of the Boones Creek facilities over a period of 10 years.
On Monday, the Jonesborough Board of Mayor and Alderman gave approval to two key pieces of this large puzzle during its Monday night meeting. This includes approval to a rural environment review required by the US Department of Agriculture and a school financing agreement.
The Washington County, TN Commission approved moving forward with the project last month.
Courtesy of Image: Washington County Department of Education