BMS and Marsh Regional Blood Center teaming up to host blood drive today

Bristol Motor Speedway is partnering with Marsh Regional Blood Center to host a blood drive today to help resupply a shortage of blood in the region.
Officials say with blood drives being canceled all across the country, hospitals and health systems are running low on blood.
Upon arrival, donors will receive directions to help maintain proper social distancing. By donating, individuals will receive t-shirt, snack and a $10 Food City gift card in return for their donation. To be eligible to give blood, donors must be at least 17 years old, weigh 110 pounds or more and be in good health. Individuals with a cold, sore throat, fever, flu or fever blisters or who are taking antibiotics may not donate. Officials say donors should eat a balanced meal before giving blood.
“We need people to turn out in force and donate,” said Don Campbell, director of Marsh Regional. “Nationally, blood drives are being cancelled, and hospitals and health systems are in urgent need for donations. This could turn into an unprecedented blood shortage, unless our donors come out and give as soon as they can.
Campbell says if you feel well, healthy, and haven’t been exposed to COVID-19 to your knowledge, they need your donations now.
The drive will take place from 10 a.m to 4 p.m at the track’s north entrance.