Abingdon Police provides list of guidelines and recommendations to churches and church leaders participating in “Drive-In” services

The Abingdon,VA Police Department is providing guidelines for churches choosing to participate in drive-in services.
A release from the department says they have recently received numerous inquires about if there are regulations for these services. Police cite Governor Ralph Northam’s executive order, which does not prohibit worship but does limit how many people can be in attendance. Below are a list of those recommendations from officials:
**Attendees may travel to their place of worship, park in the parking lot, and listen to the religious message while remaining in their vehicles. It is recommended that immediate family/members of the same household occupy the same vehicle. If attendees must have their car windows down to hear the service, there should be at least six feet of space between parked vehicles, preferably more.
**Participants must remain in their vehicle at all times, except as necessary to visit a restroom. Try to keep the entire service to an hour or less in order to prevent people from needing to exit their vehicle. If an attendee must exit their vehicle, they need to maintain social distancing from those coordinating the service.
**There must be no more than 10 individuals leading the religious ceremony or functioning outside of the church in support of the religious ceremony.
**Any objects used for collecting monetary offerings shall not be passed from attendee to attendee but may be offered to attendees in a vehicle as long as the object stays in the possession of the person assisting with collection.
**Appropriate measures should be taken for the safety of those functioning outside of the cars.
**Please do not allow vehicles to block streets or sidewalks.
**Faith communities should also adhere to any noise ordinances.
Photo Courtesy: Abingdon Police Department via Facebook