UT study: 18 to 24 months of COVID-19 precautions on campus at University of Tennessee schools
A task force has produced a lengthy list of best practices developed by experts that could get students back on campus at all University of Tennessee institutions this fall.
Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs at UT Dr. Jon McCullers says the idea of a return to normal at the reopening of campus is gone and each school will have specific needs to provide students with safe environments while providing necessary social and educational benefits in a person-to-person setting.
The UT committee envisions a period of 18-24 months for these special precautions to stay in place. Those steps include the potential staggering of student class schedules, re-imagining facilities like libraries and arenas to maximize social distancing and good hygiene, and reducing situations for transportation and classroom crowding.
(GRAPHIC: University of Tennessee Knoxville)