Movies on Main in Jonesborough to have ‘drive-in’ setting in July

Movies on Main is returning to Jonesborough for the month of July with a little twist.
The popular movie viewing event will feature a drive-in movie behind the Washington County Courthouse for each of the five Fridays next month. Families are encouraged to arrive beginning at 7 p.m to pick out their spots for the 9 o’clock showing. A free ticket is required to enter and a limited number of tickets will be distributed to ensure state guidelines are being followed.
Officials say guests will not be allowed into the drive-in after the movie begins. The drive-in option has been implemented to ensure proper social distancing while enjoying a film as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
Concessions such as popcorn and candy will be available for purchase. For more information, please call the Jonesborough Visitors Center at 423.753.1010 or visit here.
Photo Courtesy: Town of Jonesborough