Herring says Virginia’s back log of rape kits cleared, new charges could be coming against sexual predators

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring announced Wednesday the elimination of a backlog of thousands of rape kits and a renewed effort to help victims of sexual violence.
“Eliminating this backlog means a wrong has been righted, that justice is closer for more survivors, and that Virginia is a safer place,” Herring said during remarks at a news conference in Richmond.
More than 2,600 kits were tested and Herring said that resulted in 851 databases receiving new evidence that could lead to predators being charged.
The testing could also result in cases he said were swept under the rug being brought to the forefront and victims given back power taken during the attack.
More than $3 million has been invested in the movement which will also include a state tracking system that will help more agencies in sexual-oriented cases.
(PHOTO: Commonwealth of Virginia / Office of the Attorney General / YouTube)