UPDATE: TSSAA punts on decision for football, girls soccer with more state COVID-19 data needed

The Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association has punted on making a decision to play football in 2020.
“We think right now that it’s best to delay a vote on a contingency plan,” TSSAA Executive Director Bernard Childress said during a Wednesday session of the group’s brain trust held remotely.
With that, the beginning of practice time and setting a schedule for both high school football and girls soccer remains undetermined a week after the agency gave school administrators four options to consider if games are allowed during the pandemic with the kickoff of football scheduled for Sept. 18 in each scenario.
Childress said in speaking with health and legal teams from Governor Bill Lee’s office, an investment by the public could be key in the sports’ return in the fall. He said that means wearing masks, exercising social distancing, and washing hands in an effort to push COVID-19 case numbers down.
(PHOTO: SuperTalk Archive)