BVPS presents near finalized plans ahead of August 20th start date

Bristol, Virginia school officials are close to finalizing reopening plans for the upcoming academic year.
Superintendent Dr. Keith Perrigan presented what school would like fully reopen under phase 3 of the state reopening plan.
Schools would be in session Monday-Thursday, with Friday used as a deep cleaning and enrichment day, in addition to reduction of instructional time of 30 minutes across all schools.
Elementary Schools- Start time at 8:00
Middle/High Schools- Start time at 9:00
Students and teachers would be pre-screened prior to entering the building, and face coverings would be strongly recommended or required throughout the building as well as on school buses. Perrigan anticipates some students and families opting in for online learning.
The plan is pending public input and final approval from the school board.
A link to the full reopening plan is available here- Draft 2 BVPS School Reopening Plan
Photo Courtesy: T.Adams/Supertalk 92.9