Marsh Regional Blood conducting free COVID-19 antibody testing, donations could provide help in virus research

The Marsh Regional Blood Center has started conducting free COVID-19 antibody testing.
Donors are eligible for testing upon completion and confirmation from pre-screening, and the test looks for a previous coronavirus infection, which Marsh says could help advance research on the virus. Donors will be notified by mail with their test results in two weeks, and Marsh will notify anyone who tests positive for the antibodies. Marsh will also ask those who test positive for the antibodies if they will donate convalescent plasma, which could help treat patients critically ill with COVID-19.
An appointment is required prior to donating, and donors should call 423-408-7500, 423-652-0014 or 423-282-7090 or visit for more information about appointments
We have a list of locations of upcoming blood drives available below:
Tuesday, July 21, 1 -6 p.m.
Valley View Freewill Baptist Church, Clintwood, Virginia
Tuesday, July 21, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
CVA Heart Institute, Kingsport, Tennessee
Tuesday, July 21, 1:30-5 p.m.
UPM Pharmaceuticals, Bristol, Tennessee
Wednesday, July 22, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Sapling Grove Urgent Care, Bristol, Tennessee
Wednesday, July 22, 1-6:30 p.m.
St Anne Catholic Church, Bristol, Virginia
Wednesday, July 22, 4-8 p.m.
Ridgeview Baptist Church, Church Hill, Tennessee
Wednesday, July 22, 4:30-8 p.m.
South Holston Ruritan, Bristol, Tennessee
Thursday, July 23, 9 a.m.-noon
Microporous, Piney Flats
Thursday, July 23, 1:30-4 p.m.
Marion Mold & Tool Inc., Marion, Virginia
Thursday, July 23, 1-5 p.m.
Wolf Hills Fabricators and Komatsu Mining Corp., Abingdon, Virginia
Friday, July 24, 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
The Robinette Company, Bristol, Tennessee
Friday, July 24, noon-5 p.m.
Calvary Church, Johnson City
Saturday, July 25, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
The Historical Society of Washington County (hosted by the Abingdon Rotary Club), Abingdon, Virginia
Photo Courtesy: Marsh Regional Blood Center