University of Tennessee chancellor reports first COVID cluster among students traced back to off-campus party

The University of Tennessee has its first cluster of COVID virus cases on campus and Chancellor Donde Plowman is not pleased.
“If you host a party, that’s a large gathering and it does not meet mask and social distancing requirements you are endangering the health and well being of the campus and the Knoxville community,” Plowman said during a Tuesday briefing.
Five students are now in isolation after they admitted to attending an off-campus party last week and then tested positive.
Tennessee currently has 75 active cases within its borders including 9 employees after 6500 students moved to Knoxville last week.
Plowman said students who are not self-reporting instances of close contact through a special smartphone app or by filling out necessary forms risk expulsion.
UT Student Health Director Dr. Spencer Gregg said students only have 24 hours to report a possible exposure so his office can do contact tracing and warn others.
“The quicker the steps are completed the faster the investigation can proceed and the greater the likelihood the spread of the infection can be mitigated,” he said.
(PHOTO: UT Knoxville / YouTube)