Church collective fighting proposed casino begins mail, billboard campaign in Bristol

Weeks before Bristol, Virginia voters head to the polls to either accept or reject a referendum that would approve one of five casinos in the state, a group of local churches are uniting for public opposition campaigns.
Earlier this month a total of four houses of worship from Bristol and neighboring towns Abingdon and Lebanon collectively financed a mail magazine distribution that gives biblical references to gambling’s beginnings along with current social problems they say are a direct result of an addicted gambler including drug abuse and domestic violence.
A billboard campaign was launched this week within the city limits with one visible from highly-traveled Interstate 81 near Exit 5.
Proponents of the Hard Rock International project also have high profile publicity efforts underway including ad agency quality commercials that have been aired during network television prime time and radio drive times.
(IMAGE: K. Castle / SuperTalk 929 / BBC)