Boone Dam Project team contributes 90,000 pounds of food in annual drive for Second Harvest Food Bank

The Boone Dam Repair Project has well exceed their food drive goal in annual giving to Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee.
A news release from the Tennessee Valley Authority announced their employees alongside employees with Baker’s Construction Services, Black & Veatch, Geosyntec, and Treviicos Nicholson Joint Venture combined efforts to donate 90,000 pounds of food to the non-profit, using online donations and matching corporate contributions that equaled over $20,000.
“We are so grateful to the TVA and the contractors who work on the Boone Dam project,” said Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee’s Rhonda Chafin. “Just when we think their generosity of the previous year will be difficult to match they outdo themselves. This food will help provide over 75,000 meals for people in our region.” Chafin said that the Boone Dam project consistently provides the largest annual corporate giving to Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee.
The team set a goal of 80,000 pounds for this year’s food drive.
Photo Courtesy: Tennessee Valley Authority