Northeast TN lawmaker proposes bill to prevent forced COVID-19 vaccinations

A local TN state lawmaker has filed legislation aimed at giving residents a choice on if they want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine instead being required to take it.
HB13 was filed Nov. 30 by District 2 Rep. Bud Hulsey (R-Kingsport). The bill, if passed, would prohibit any law enforcement agency or state government entity including local governing bodies from requiring, forcing, or coercing a person to receive a COVID-19 vaccination against their will.
Another proposed bill related to preventing forced COVID-19 immunizations has been filed by District 74 Rep. Jay Reedy (R-Erin), who’s bill seeks to remove provisions in current law which would allow a person not to be required to vaccinated on the grounds of religious beliefs or conscience.
Photo Courtesy: TN State Government