Vanderbilt poll says less than 60 percent of Tennessee adults wear a mask in public places

A new poll says less than 60 percent of Tennessee parents are wearing masks when they enter stores, businesses, or go outside their home.
The information supplied by the Vanderbilt Center for Child Health Policy said only 57 percent of adults believe that masks protect themselves and 68 percent said it is important for their child to wear a mask.
Governor Bill Lee has left it up to mayors in localities to enforce a mask mandate. If the order was mandatory statewide nearly half of the parents questioned would abide by it.
The survey also showed select parents are skeptical about information concerning a COVID vaccine for children: 38 percent cited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as their main source for details and recommendations, followed by the state health department, other sources of research, and their family physician.
(IMAGE: Unsplash)